General Wellness

General info about animals general wellness

Regular consultation

A regular consultation at our clinic typically lasts about 15 minutes and takes place in our spacious consultation room. It begins with a discussion between you, the owner, and one of our veterinarians to identify the issue or illness at hand. Your pet is then gently assisted onto the examination table, where the veterinarian briefly greets them before commencing the examination.

At Østerbro Veterinarian, we prioritize creating a calm and comfortable environment for your pet. We always strive to find the best solution for both you and your furry friend with your practical and financial considerations in mind. Sometimes, achieving a diagnosis may require multiple visits – but rest assured, we are dedicated to providing thorough care every step of the way.

Trimming of nails

As a part of our services regarding general wellness, we offer trimming of nails. For many of our customers, trimming of nails can be a challenge – with both dog and owner feeling nervous and uncomfortable.

Regular nail trimming is necessary for many dogs. If a dog’s nails grow too long, they can be damaged by getting caught or twisted. A young puppy should be accustomed to having its paws and nails handled from the beginning. The dog needs to get used to the nail clipper and the feeling of having its nails trimmed.

If you’re not comfortable trimming your dog’s nails, we are here to help. We can demonstrate the correct technique for you. A consistent routine feels safe for the dog. We make an effort to ensure that the dog experiences the treatment the same way each time. Feel free to contact us if you need help.

Diet & Nutrition

Is your pet struggling with obesity? At Østerbro Veterinarian, we have partnered with Royal Canin to create a weight loss club for those seeking help and motivation to get their pets down to a healthy weight. We have experienced a very high success rate among participants.

You can book an appointment for a weight loss consultation with one of our nurses, who will weigh and measure your pet, enroll it in a special computer-based weight loss program, and assist with a feeding plan.

As mentioned, the weight loss club is a collaboration with Royal Canin. Therefore, it is their food that is used. As a member of the weight loss club, you will receive a 10% discount on their weight loss food.

Parasite Control

We offer parasite control, treatment, and advice. Ticks on animals can cause serious health problems. It is therefore important for every pet owner to be prepared even before a tick bite so we can reduce the risk of infection or illness. Contact us today for advice on the best tick prevention for your pet.

If you plan to travel with your pet, some countries require your dog to have a preventive worming treatment. Deworming medication is prescription-only in Denmark, which means that we need to have seen the animal in order to dispense a dewormer. Feel free to call us to book an appointment for parasite control at our clinic.

Contact us

As dedicated veterinarians serving the community of Copenhagen, we hold a profound commitment to ensuring the well-being of your cherished pet. Our approach extends beyond mere treatment; we strive to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of your dog’s or cat’s health and happiness during every consultation. It is our belief that effective communication is paramount, not only with our animal patients but also with the caring individuals who entrust us with their beloved companions.

At our clinic in Copenhagen, we welcome your questions and concerns about our services and expertise. Whether you are seeking clarification on a particular treatment option or wish to delve deeper into understanding your pet’s needs, we are here to provide guidance and support every step of the way. 

Stine Danebod
Stine Danebod
23. Oktober, 2022.
Nærværende personale❣️
Florian Erich Kohler
Florian Erich Kohler
22. Oktober, 2022.
Quick and friendly deworming
Lise Jensen
Lise Jensen
28. September, 2022.
Virkelig venligt personale!
Heiddi Maluna Schou
Heiddi Maluna Schou
19. September, 2022.
Natali Zyskind, TAK for du i den grad møder både Herman, min skønne doodle og mig med en empatisk, tryg og faglig kompetance. Jeg bor langt væk, meeeen kommer gerne til Østerbro for at spare med dig. Igen TAK for lige at have vendt en ubehagelig oplevelse med en blodprøve et andet sted, til at gjort det frygtfrit igen. Vi er taknemmelige!
Mark Wolforth
Mark Wolforth
2. September, 2022.
Tahiana Fajardo
Tahiana Fajardo
16. August, 2022.
I went today for the first time to update my baby's rabies vaccine and had the best vet experience ever. It was Louise who checked my dog and she was amazing. She is very caring and was trying to make it as comfortable as possible for my dog who is usually very nervous at the vet's office. With her he was relaxed almost immediately. She also answered all my questions and helped me with a health certificate for travel. I would recommend this clinic and Louise a million times!!!
Lise Klinge
Lise Klinge
14. August, 2022.