Spay & Neuter

General info about spay & neuter

At Østerbro Veterinarian, we offer spaying and neutering services for both dogs, cats, and rabbits. Spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) are common surgical procedures that involve removing the reproductive organs. These procedures offer numerous benefits for your pet and contribute to their overall health and well-being.

Spaying and neutering can help prevent unwanted litter, reducing the number of homeless animals and easing the burden on animal shelters and rescues. Additionally, these procedures can help prevent certain reproductive-related health issues, such as uterine infections and mammary tumors in females, and testicular cancer and prostate problems in males.

Moreover, spaying and neutering can help curb undesirable behaviors such as roaming, marking territory, and aggression, making your pet easier to manage and less likely to get into fights or accidents.

Our team of professionals is highly experienced and dedicated to providing safe and compassionate care for your pet. We prioritize your pet’s comfort and well-being throughout the entire process – from pre-surgery evaluation to post-operative care.

Spaying and neutering of dogs

At our clinic, we offer spaying and neutering of dogs. We recommend that you have a discussion with us before the operation is performed. In some cases, spay and neuter may not be the right solution for your dog. Therefore, we recommend that you book a consultation with us before you make the decision. It is very individual from dog to dog whether it is a good idea to spay or neuter.

However, there are certain advantages to the procedures. Many times, the male dog will become less aggressive, and the risk of diseases is minimized, after neutering. By sterilizing your female dog, you avoid unwanted puppies as well as heat cycles. The operation also prevents uterine infections and breast cancer.

Unfortunately, many spayed dogs tend to become overweight. Some also experience infections in connection with the operation. Neutered dogs may develop behavioral problems that are worse than the initial problems. Therefore, we always recommend that you have a thorough discussion with us about the advantages and disadvantages of spaying and neutering of dogs.

Spaying and neutering of cats

Statistics show that neutered cats on average live significantly longer than cats that are not neutered. You will also typically experience that your male cat becomes less stressed and less aggressive after neuter.

Spayed cats no longer go into heat. This means that as an owner, you avoid the bothersome vocalizations that occur during heat cycles. Additionally, your female cat avoids all the side effects of birth control pills, and the risk of breast cancer is significantly reduced.

However, there is always a risk associated with procedures such as neuter and spay. At Østerbro Veterinarian, we are experts in the field. We have worked with many different animals and performed the procedures hundreds of times. We only use the best equipment to guarantee a safe outcome with great consideration for your cat’s well-being.

Neutering of rabbits

We also offer neutering of rabbits as a part of our surgical procedures. It can often be a good idea to have your male rabbit neutered – especially if he exhibits aggression, excessive male behavior, or if you also have a female rabbit and want to avoid mating. Rabbits are more sensitive to anesthesia than, for example, dogs, and therefore extra precautions are taken during the operation. Every pet is different. We take this into careful consideration before each operation.

Contact us

As dedicated veterinarians serving the community of Copenhagen, we hold a profound commitment to ensuring the well-being of your cherished pet. Our approach extends beyond mere treatment; we strive to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of your dog’s or cat’s health and happiness during every consultation. It is our belief that effective communication is paramount, not only with our animal patients but also with the caring individuals who entrust us with their beloved companions.

At our clinic in Copenhagen, we welcome your questions and concerns about our services and expertise. Whether you are seeking clarification on a particular treatment option or wish to delve deeper into understanding your pet’s needs, we are here to provide guidance and support every step of the way. 

Stine Danebod
Stine Danebod
23. Oktober, 2022.
Nærværende personale❣️
Florian Erich Kohler
Florian Erich Kohler
22. Oktober, 2022.
Quick and friendly deworming
Lise Jensen
Lise Jensen
28. September, 2022.
Virkelig venligt personale!
Heiddi Maluna Schou
Heiddi Maluna Schou
19. September, 2022.
Natali Zyskind, TAK for du i den grad møder både Herman, min skønne doodle og mig med en empatisk, tryg og faglig kompetance. Jeg bor langt væk, meeeen kommer gerne til Østerbro for at spare med dig. Igen TAK for lige at have vendt en ubehagelig oplevelse med en blodprøve et andet sted, til at gjort det frygtfrit igen. Vi er taknemmelige!
Mark Wolforth
Mark Wolforth
2. September, 2022.
Tahiana Fajardo
Tahiana Fajardo
16. August, 2022.
I went today for the first time to update my baby's rabies vaccine and had the best vet experience ever. It was Louise who checked my dog and she was amazing. She is very caring and was trying to make it as comfortable as possible for my dog who is usually very nervous at the vet's office. With her he was relaxed almost immediately. She also answered all my questions and helped me with a health certificate for travel. I would recommend this clinic and Louise a million times!!!
Lise Klinge
Lise Klinge
14. August, 2022.