Special Services

General info about special services

We offer special services in addition to surgeries. These include euthanasia, issuing pet passport and examinations for allergies and skin problems. We are an experienced team of veterinarians with access to the best equipment in the field. We do everything in our power to create valuable solutions that promote your pet’s health.

The last goodbye: Putting down animals

We treat and operate on virtually all diseases, but there may be cases where there is nothing more to be done – either due to the extent of the disease or the age of the animal. In such cases, we offer putting down in a safe environment, so you can send your pet on its next journey with peace of mind.

The putting down can happen both in-clinic and in-home. It depends on your specific wishes. Regardless of the location, the procedure is carried out in the same way: We greet you and explain the procedure. Your pet is then anesthetized before an overdose of sedative is administered. Once your pet is asleep, you will be left alone with them. We always respect your choice – and if you do not want to be there, we will be with your pet the whole time, cuddling and talking to them until they sleep.

We go to great lengths to create an inclusive and gentle process. With us, there is room for tears. We understand how difficult it can be to say the last goodbye.

Pet Passport

If you want to travel with your pet, it is important that it has a pet passport. Some countries have specific rules for traveling with pets. Therefore, it is essential to prepare for your trip well in advance.

Here are some of the most important things you need to be aware of:

  • Your pet must have a valid EU pet passport.
  • Your dog or cat must be ID-tagged (chip-tagged).
  • Your pet must have a valid rabies vaccination.
  • Some countries require a health check and/or deworming by a veterinarian before traveling.

If you have any doubts about pet passports, vaccines or similar, please feel free to contact us. We both issue pet passports and advise on traveling.

Allergy & Skin

Does your pet have skin problems or suffer from severe itching? Then it is important that you get in touch with us. In a consultation, we will localize the cause of the skin changes. Unfortunately, there is often a lot of detective work involved in determining the causes.

The most common causes of itching are parasites (e.g. fleas), allergies (e.g. to pollen or dust mites), intolerances (e.g. to food) or infectious diseases.

We do everything we can to alleviate the problem. We always have the animal’s well-being in mind. If your pet is too distressed, in some cases it may be best to euthanize. We always investigate thoroughly to make the right assessment and decision.

Contact us

As dedicated veterinarians serving the community of Copenhagen, we hold a profound commitment to ensuring the well-being of your cherished pet. Our approach extends beyond mere treatment; we strive to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of your dog’s or cat’s health and happiness during every consultation. It is our belief that effective communication is paramount, not only with our animal patients but also with the caring individuals who entrust us with their beloved companions.

Stine Danebod
Stine Danebod
23. Oktober, 2022.
Nærværende personale❣️
Florian Erich Kohler
Florian Erich Kohler
22. Oktober, 2022.
Quick and friendly deworming
Lise Jensen
Lise Jensen
28. September, 2022.
Virkelig venligt personale!
Heiddi Maluna Schou
Heiddi Maluna Schou
19. September, 2022.
Natali Zyskind, TAK for du i den grad møder både Herman, min skønne doodle og mig med en empatisk, tryg og faglig kompetance. Jeg bor langt væk, meeeen kommer gerne til Østerbro for at spare med dig. Igen TAK for lige at have vendt en ubehagelig oplevelse med en blodprøve et andet sted, til at gjort det frygtfrit igen. Vi er taknemmelige!
Mark Wolforth
Mark Wolforth
2. September, 2022.
Tahiana Fajardo
Tahiana Fajardo
16. August, 2022.
I went today for the first time to update my baby's rabies vaccine and had the best vet experience ever. It was Louise who checked my dog and she was amazing. She is very caring and was trying to make it as comfortable as possible for my dog who is usually very nervous at the vet's office. With her he was relaxed almost immediately. She also answered all my questions and helped me with a health certificate for travel. I would recommend this clinic and Louise a million times!!!
Lise Klinge
Lise Klinge
14. August, 2022.